Desktop is an application that displays the play history of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
Download the latest version on the Github release page.
The software uses the .Net 6.0 runtime, so if it does not work, please install the following runtime.
How to use
1: Start the application, then the following window will display.
2: Register your Steam-ID or Profile-ID and press the button.
3: Set correct ID, and status will change to Online.
If is available, you can use this app.
Main window
Set the correct ID, and the main window will show the current match’s or last match’s result.
The display layouts are different for 1v1 matches and team matches.
They are displayed as follows.
Your name is in an orange color font.
Team match
1v1 match
Window operations are on the OS specifications.
And you can perform the following on the window.
Mouse operation
Area | Operation | Description |
In the window | Right-click | Show context menu. |
Player name | Double-click | Display the history window of the clicked player. |
Map | Double-click | Updated match information on the main window. (same as F5 key) |
Text/image display area | Drag | Window movement. |
Shortcut key
Operation | Description |
Alt + F4 | Exit the application. |
F5 | Updated match information on the main window. |
Alt + cursor keys | Scale window in 10-pixel increments in the direction of the cursor. |
Alt + Shift + Cursor Keys | Scale window in 1-pixel inclement in the direction of the cursor. |
Shift + Space | Toggle the “Hide title” option. |
Alt + Space | disable the “Hide title” option and shows the window context menu. |
←(Left cursor) | Show previous match result. |
→(Right cursor) | Show next match result. |
Context menu
Right-click to display the context menu.
Item | Description |
Settings | Displays the settings window. |
Show my history | Displays the history window of the set user. |
Update | Update the match information. |
Exit | Exit the application. |
History window
Matches tab
The match history of the player with the set ID is displayed.
Select the leaderboard from the list and change the left list to the selected match type.
Items | Description |
Map | Maps ever used. |
Rate | The rate at the time of the match and the change value of the rate. |
Win | Shows the status of victory or defeat “〇” is given to the winning game. |
Civilization | civilization ever used. |
Color | player color number. |
Date | Date and time of the match. |
Version |
The right graph shows the win or loss.
Select “Data source” to switch between civilization and map.
- Number of civilizations used
- Number of maps
Players tab
Displays information about players ever matched.
The left table shows a list of players and player information.
Items | Description |
Name | Player name. |
Country | Country name.(This item is no longer available.) |
1v1 Rate | Rate when 1v1 played. Not display if you are not playing a 1v1 match with the player. |
Team Rate | Rate when team match played. Not display if you are not playing a team match with the player. |
Team Games | Number of games played with the players. |
Ally | Number of games participated as the ally players. |
Enemy | Number of games participated as the enemy players. |
1v1 | Number of games played 1v1. |
Last Date | The Date of the last match. |
Input characters in the Find textbox and can search for the player name by incremental search.
If you want to ignore the case, check the “Ignore case” checkbox.
The right graph shows the number of players ever matched by country.
Right-click on a column heading in the list and bring up the country filter.
Show only the players whose country is checked.
Every country’s name is N/A because this item is no longer available.
Statistics tab
Displays statistics and rate history graphs for each match type.
+ELO adjustment day is drawn as Update Elo:7/14
. See also follows link for details. +
Items | Description |
Leaderboard | The graph shows the match format with the checkbox checked. |
Rank | Current rank |
Rate | Current rate |
Highest Rating | Maximum Number of rate |
Game | Number of games |
Win% | Win rate |
Wins | Number of Wins |
Losses | Number of defeats |
Drop | Number of drop matches |
Streak | Number of consecutive wins |
HighestStreak | Maximum Number of consecutive wins |
LowestStreak | Maximum Number of consecutive defeats |
Setting window
Set the window settings and user settings.
Display contents
Items | Description |
Hide title | Hides the title bar of the main window. |
Visible game time | It shows the game time started and elapsed. It is the time obtained from the server. So the time is forward from the actual time displayed in the game. |
Items | Description |
Draw high quality text | Sets the text drawing quality. |
Always on top | Set the main window always front. |
Transparency window | Set the main window background transparent. |
Opacity | Set text and background transparency of the main window. |
Chroma key | As chroma key, set the background color of the main window. |
Items | Description |
Auto reload the last match | Reload the current match information automatically. |
AoE2.Net [status] | It shows Server status. |
Player settings
Items | Description |
Steam-ID | Select when set the user using your Steam account. |
profile-ID | Select when set the user using your AoE2net account. |
Name | Displays the player name of the ID. |
Country | Displays the country name of the ID.(This item is no longer available.) |